I'll probably blog sometime soon about goals, objectives, strategies and measures. They're important in business, and useful to have in life generally. For now, though, I'll have to explain why I haven't blogged much recently at all: I've found a new (old) hobby: constructing Airfix models. I started with Airfix models when I was about 10 or 11 years old - old enough to be patient to wait for the glue to dry, and careful enough to plan how to construct each model. I had a second wave of interest in my late teens and early 20s, and more recently earlier this year (courtesy of my 11-year-old, now 12-year-old son).
So this is what's been filling my time - building with my son.
Here's my first solo-ish project for 25 years:

Next? A village scene, with a pair of Tigers ploughing through the remains of a continental village (somewhere). As ever, it's all about the modelling, and has very little to do with historical accuracy!