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Sunday, 19 April 2020

More on Dice Games, Probability and Distributions

In a previous post I've analysed probability distributions from rolling two dice: looking at the sum of two dice (a well-known distribution), the difference; the largest of two dice and the smallest.  This article comes about following some home-schooling I've been doing with my children, looking at distributions of results for throwing one or two dice - this was an extension activity we looked at (and I'm examining it in more depth here).

In this article I'm going to examine a different distribution: rolling three dice and summing the two largest dice. This is clearly going to be skewed towards larger totals than the normal two-dice distribution- but by how much, why, and what does this distribution look like?

For example, there is only one way to get a sum of 2, which is to roll 1 1 1. However there are many ways to get 12, including 6 6 3, 6 6 2, and 6 6 1.

To abbreviate the analysis, I'd like to show and use the following results:

There is only one way to roll 1 1 1, 2 2 2 or 3 3 3.  This is self-evident but worth mentioning.

When one of the dice has a different value to the other two, there are three equivalent combinations: 4 4 5 is equivalent to 4 5 4 and 5 4 4. For any a a b, there are three equivalent combinations.

When the dice have three different values,  there are six equivalent combinations: a b c, a c b, b a c, b c a, c b a and c a b.

Onto the actual distribution, then:

Score List

2 1 111 1

3 3 211 3

4 7 222 1 221 3 311 3

5 12 321 6 322 3 411 3

6 19 333 1 332 3 331 3 422 3 421 6 511 3

7 27 433 3 432 6 431 6 522 3 521 6 611 3

8 34 444 1 443 3 442 3 441 3 533 3 532 6 531 6 622 3 621 6
9 36 544 3 543 6 542 6 541 6 633 3 632 6 631 6

10 34 555 1 554 3 553 3 552 3 551 3 644 3 643 6 642 6 641 6
11 27 655 3 654 6 653 6 652 6 651 6

12 16 666 1 665 3 664 3 663 3 662 3 661 3

Total:  216   = 6*6*6 

The distribution is clearly skewed to the higher values, compared to the two dice distribution.  Interestingly, it's not even symmetrical either side of the mode of 9 - the values for 8 and 10 are the same, as are 7 and 11, but there are fewer ways of getting 12 compared to 6.

Here's the breakdown, which compares to "seven for everything" for the normal two-dice distribution.

Mode = 9
Median = 9

Mean 8.458

In game design, if you want a character, figure or unit to move generally faster or perform better than a typical two dice distribution, then taking the two highest values from three dice will certainly achieve this, while still retaining a range of 2-12 spaces or points.  Your unit will hit harder, but can there's still a possibility that it will be outperformed by a two-dice unit.

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