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Wednesday 31 October 2018


It's not just blog posts.

It's about spending time producing something.

This is something I pondered through much of October, as I was working on a number of different projects (none of them related to blogging, web analytics, maths or puzzles).  I aim to produce one post per month for this blog, but October has been so busy that I've just not had time to put two words together.  In fact, I'm editing this in November, so there you go.

But the truth is I've been playing with my children; I've been practising music (and writing some pieces too) and doing so many things that don't feature here that I've just not had time to make a sensible contribution to this blog.

And I guess that's the point - productivity isn't always measurable (especially if you're only measuring one outcome).  My KPI for this blog is post-one-a-month and see which articles are most popular.  And even then, that's not critical, it's just nice to have.

So go be productive offline.  There's a whole planet out there.